Monday, September 10, 2012

Slug Fest 2012

I can't think of a final with two more evenly matched players. Not just skill level, e.g., Roger/Rafa (arguable), but game style and set management. We could be here all night. (Let's hope so. I don't feel like working anymore today/tonight.)


David Marlow said...

Seriously, I gotta take the garbage out tonight, and that's like a 45 minute affair, and Moonpie does NOT like to work in the dark.

David Marlow said...

Getting dark... Garbage still not out...

David Marlow said...

Here we go, all even.

rundeep said...

What an awesome final that was. So glad it turned out that way. I have a real dislike of Novak for some reason. Between the passive agressive humor, the connection to shady doctors, the arrogance, yuck. The only guy I still routinely love is Roger, but I do respect Andy. Great final, some awesome long rallies.

David Marlow said...

Agreed. I dislike Novak less than I did say three years ago, but his dad is still a giant asshole. But the umpire need not have called time on him. Great for Andy. Maybe he'll stop grabbing his knee now. I have to take the garbage out now. That was a really satisfying five hours of the tv. Tennis games rule! As does RFed.